Understand Advantage Security (formerly SmartSecurity) Client VPN. Learn how to configure a Virtual Private Network, how to manage users and how to set it up on Client devices.
Client VPN Configuration
Client VPN service uses L2TP tunneling protocol and can be deployed without any additional software on PCs, Macs, iOS devices, and Android devices, since all of these operating systems natively support L2TP VPN connections.

Meraki Client VPN Server Settings
Client VPN settings can be managed by logging into meraki.com. To enable Client VPN:
- Open Meraki Dashboard.
- Go to Security & SD WAN -> Client VPN.
- Inside 'Client VPN' modify these settings:
a. Client VPN Server: set to 'Enabled'.
b. Subnet: recommend default as there's already rules in place for this subnet/VLAN. The subnet that will be used for Client VPN connections. This should be a private subnet that is not in use anywhere else in your network. The MX will be the default gateway on this subnet and will route traffic to and from this subnet.
c. DNS server: leave as 'Use Google Public DNS'.
d. WINS server: leave as 'No WINS servers'. We do not offer support for WINS servers.
e. Share Secret: Create a password that VPN clients need to enter when connecting.
f. Authentication: leave as 'Meraki Cloud Authentication'.
How to manage users
To add, edit, or remove users

Start by scrolling down to the User Management section under Client VPN.
To Add User
Create a VPN user by selecting Add new user.
- In Create user window:
a. Description: Enter a description for the new user like their full name
b. Email (username): the user's email.
c. Password: Enter in a secure password or select Generate to create a random password.”
d. Authorized: Select Yes to authorize this user for Client VPN
e. Select Create user button. - To set up a specific device for a user see Setting up Client Devices below.”
Edit User
To edit an existing user, go to the User Management section and select the user you need to update. You can change the user’s description, username, password and authorized settings.
Delete User
To delete a user call Rogers Business Technical Support.

***VPN credentials can only be used to connect one client device to the VPN at a time.
Setting up Client Devices
Meraki Provides detailed setup instructions for all major systems: