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How to view and use Advantage WiFi analytics


Discover how using Advantage WiFi (formerly SmartWiFi) Meraki analytics can optimize your business. With the Meraki Dashboard you can view device usage patterns to gain valuable customer insights.

Key Points

  • To view analytics about users on your network, log in to
  • View device usage patterns to gain valuable customer insights.
  • Ensure bandwidth hogs don’t halt your business.

    You can use the Meraki Dasboard to view:

  • Client analytics - the default option that provides insight into a network wide view around device details
  • Location analytics - which provides insight and allows you to manage your location's traffic

Advantage WiFi Client Analytics

To access Client Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Client Analytics is the default option that will load up on your screen.
    • If you need to get back to it from another section, go to Network and select Client Analytics.
  3. Use the Network wide view or select an individual client for details on their device and usage.
    Network wide view

The main view will provide you with a list of all devices connected to your network and what they are doing while on your network. The information can be filtered and organized in a few different ways:

  1. Network and timing
    • Pick between viewing clients connected to the private or guest network.
    • Choose the timing for the client history to view the following timeframes: last 2 hours, last day, last week, or last 30 days.
  2. Client list: Order the list by clicking on the column titles, and use + at the end to view additional options.
    • Status: The green icon indicates devices currently online, and the grey icon indicates devices not currently online.
    • Description: This is the device's name. To make things easier to find, you can change a device's name. Find instructions by searching Google for "Change device name", replacing " " with iOS/Android/Windows/Mac depending on your device type.
    • Last seen: When the device was last connected to your network.
    • Usage: How much data was used over the timeline criteria selected above.
  3. Bandwidth graph: Shows how much data is being used at different times of the day.
  4. Pie charts: Choose between applications, ports, and HTTP content. Hover over chart, or click More » to get expanded usage details.

Individual device view

After selecting a specific device, you will see a similar view, but showing the details of the particular device selected, rather than all devices connected to your network.

  1. Device details: Various information about the device in view.
    • Status: The icon shows green if online and grey if offline. It will also display the last time it was seen on the network.
    • SSID: Which network the device is connected to: private or guest.
    • Access point: This is helpful for Advantage WiFi locations that have multiple access points.
    • Signal: Shows signal strength for actively connected devices.
    • Device type: Manufacturer and model of device.
    • Capabilities: Gives information about the device's wireless capabilities. This is helpful to know when dealing with speed issues.
  2. Usage: Select the timing window to review and you can see usage over time, as well as total bandwidth used for this specific time, in the top-right corner of the chart.
  3. Network: Details of the network connection.
  4. Pie chart: This is a breakdown of applications, ports, and HTTP content used over the usage period chosen (number 2).

Advantage WiFi Location Analytics

To access Location Analytics, complete the steps outlined below.

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Go to Network and select Location analytics.
  3. Use the location analytics to review and manage your location's traffic. The data from each graph can be downloaded as a .CSV file that can be reviewed, analyzed, and manipulated using a spreadsheet program.
  4. Timeline: Choose the timeline to review your traffic for.
  5. SSID: Choose which of your networks you want to review.
  6. Proximity/Capture rate: Click on the relevant name to select your option.
    • Proximity:
      • Passerby: Devices detected by Advantage WiFi that didn't stay nearby for long.
      • Visitors: Devices in close proximity to your location for more than five consecutive minutes.
      • Connected: Devices that are connected to your network.
    • Capture rate: Percentage of devices passing by that become users of your network.
  7. Engagement/Median visit length: Click on the relevant name to select your option.
    • Engagement: This chart groups your unique network "visitors" by the length of their longest visit. A single visitor who leaves and returns multiple times will only be counted once.
    • Median visit length: A line graph of median visit length over time.
  8. Loyalty/Repeat visitor rate: Click on the relevant name to select your option.
    • Loyalty: Allows you to see how often visitors come by your location. While the identities of these visitors are anonymous, you can compare the numbers for each type of visitor.

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