
How To: Set up Advantage Voice group paging


You can page a group of other Advantage Voice (formerly SmartVoice) users within your organization by dialing a phone number or extension assigned to your group. Pages are sent to desk sets only — not Advantage Voice apps.

Customize a paging group

Paging groups are made up of originators and targets. Users added to the Assigned Originators list have permission to page other users. Only users added to the Assigned Targets lists can be paged by originators.

To add users to the originator list:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your group administrator credentials.
  3. Select Group Pagings icon.
  4. Under Group Paging, select a paging group that you would like to customize by selecting the gear icon on the right-hand side.
  5. Select Assign Originator.
  6. Under Group Paging Originators, select a name from the Available Originators list, via the checkbox.
  7. Select Save on the right-hand side of the submenu to Add the name(s) into the Originators list.
    • If successful, the user will appear on the list of originators.
  8. Select Save on the top right-hand corner of the portal.

To add users to the target list:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your group administrator credentials.
  3. Select Group Pagings icon.
  4. Under Group Paging, select a paging group that you would like to customize by selecting on the gear icon on the right-hand side.
  5. Select Assign Target.
  6. Under Group Paging Targets, select a name from the Group Paging Targets list, via the checkbox.
  7. Select Save on the right-hand side of the submenu to Add the name(s) into the Target list.
  8. If successful, the user will appear on the list of targets.
  9. Select Save on the top right-hand corner of the portal.

Program a paging button

After you’ve created a paging group, you can assign the paging function to a button on your desk phone.

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your group administrator credentials.
  3. Select Devices icon to manage the devices in your group.
  4. Under User, select the user that you’d like to manage the device for and Select OK
  5. Select Manage to enter Visual Device Manager
  6. Allow browser pop-ups, if prompted.
  7. On the device image, select an empty line key and then select Add Speed Dial as an Action from the dropdown menu and select OK.
  8. Enter a label and the Group Paging extension number in the fields provided.
  9. Select Save on the right-hand corner of the submenu. If successful, the Group Paging button on the VDM portal is now programmed.
  10. Select Save on the top-right hand corner of the portal.

Your desk phone will reboot and be back online within five minutes. You can then page the paging group’s target users by pressing the paging button.

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