
How to set up your Advantage Surveillance camera


Familiarizing yourself with your Advantage Surveillance (formerly SmartSurveillance) camera options will help you optimize your video feeds to best suit your business needs.

Where do I find the camera settings?

Get started by logging into the online portal at with your credentials.

From the Settings tab, you can modify individual settings for each of your Advantage Surveillance cameras. There are three settings categories:

  • Video Settings
  • Quality and Retention
  • Night Mode
  1. Navigate to Cameras > Monitor > Cameras.
  2. Select one of the cameras that you wish to modify settings for.
  3. Select Settings.

Adjusting camera settings

Information Icon

Pro Tip: It is recommended that you use the default settings or recommended settings set by Rogers Business at the time of installation. Adjusting or reconfiguring these settings may not provide you with your desired result. If you have questions, please contact your Rogers Business Technical Support representative for assistance.

How do I adjust the zoom and focus on my cameras?

Select the Video Setting button Selecting the Video Settings button gives you the option to adjust optical zoom, focus, and aperture settings on your cameras. However, camera rotation cannot be modified from the Dashboard. If your business requires the camera to be re-angled, please call Business Technical Support.

Adjust the video settings on your camera

A. __Optical Zoom__ – You can set the zoom of the camera to either 82deg (wide) to 28deg (narrow).
  • To capture a wide angle, using the 82deg wide setting is recommended.
  • To capture a specific area and a high level of video detail, using the 28deg narrow (zoomed in) setting is recommended.
  • For most installations the default zoom setting (the widest) will be appropriate.

    B. Focus – This allows you to set the point of attention that the camera should focus on to provide the best clarity for that point. There are two options you can select:

  • Run auto focus – This allows the camera to automatically adjust the focus to capture objects at different depths with maximum clarity.
    • This setting is recommended as it captures the most within a camera’s field of view.
  • Focus on the entire frame – This allows you to select a point of attention you want to focus on by clicking on and dragging a focus area.

C. Aperture – This provides the ability to adjust the sharpness of the image to either provide reduced noise in the image or a sharper but noisier image.

  • To change the depth of field, moving the aperture slider to right will result in a wider depth of field (more in focus) at the penalty of more noise.
  • Adjusting aperture inherently changes the shutter speed of the camera lens (frame rate is unchanged). In some cases, your LED lighting systems may impact the video capture and result in flickering video. Adjusting the aperture setting changes the shutter speed such that any flickering effects can be eliminated.
  • In most cases, the default aperture setting is fine and an aperture adjustment is not required.

How do I use Night Mode on the camera

Configuring Night Mode

Selecting the Night Mode option will give you several settings to adjust to optimize recording in dark areas or at night time. Any changes made in this section require clicking Save to commit them.

Configuring Night Mode

A. Night Mode – This enables a higher sensitivity to infrared light, enabling video capturing in dark environments.

  • The Auto selection is recommended as the camera will enable night mode if the area it is viewing has a decrease in room illumination.

B. Infrared Illuminators – This allows the control of the camera’s built-in infrared LEDs, which can light up dark scenes.

  • It is recommended that On during night mode is selected as it will enable infrared LEDs when the camera requires the lighting.
  • If the camera is looking through glass or other transparent material, glare may make seeing through the glass more difficult. If this is the case, it is recommended that you disable the infrared LEDs by selecting Always off.

C. Transition Thresholds – This setting pertains to the camera’s ambient light sensor, which is used to detect room lighting.

  • It can be used to automatically transition in and out of night mode. It is recommended to use the default settings of '0.5lux' and '3.0lux'.

How do I change my recording options on the camera?

Quality Retention button

There are several settings on the Quality and Retention tab you can configure. Any changes made in this section require clicking Save to commit them.

Configuring Quality Retention options

A. Optical Zoom – You can set the zoom of the camera to either 82deg (wide) to 28deg (narrow).

  • To capture a wide angle, using the 82deg wide setting is recommended.
  • To capture a specific area and a high level of video detail, using the 28deg narrow (zoomed in) setting is recommended.
  • For most installations the default zoom setting (the widest) will be appropriate.

B. Focus – This allows you to set the point of attention that the camera should focus on to provide the best clarity for that point. There are two options you can select:

  • Run auto focus – This allows the camera to automatically adjust the focus to capture objects at different depths with maximum clarity.
    • This setting is recommended as it captures the most within a camera’s field of view.
  • Focus on the entire frame – This allows you to select a point of attention you want to focus on by clicking on and dragging a focus area.

C. Aperture – This provides the ability to adjust the sharpness of the image to either provide reduced noise in the image or a sharper but noisier image.

  • To change the depth of field, moving the aperture slider to right will result in a wider depth of field (more in focus) at the penalty of more noise.
  • Adjusting aperture inherently changes the shutter speed of the camera lens (frame rate is unchanged). In some cases, your LED lighting systems may impact the video capture and result in flickering video. Adjusting the aperture setting changes the shutter speed such that any flickering effects can be eliminated.
  • In most cases, the default aperture setting is fine and an aperture adjustment is not required.

    Based on your chosen video quality settings, here's approximately how much video storage can be expected:

CameraResolutionVideo QualityBandwidth/Frame RateDays of Storage
MV12720pStandard500 kbps at 8 fps22
Enhanced765 kbps at 15 fps14
1080pStandard1024 kbps at 8 fps11
Enhanced1562 kbps at 15 fps7
High3138 kbps at 20 fps4
MV321080x1080Standard1024 kbps at 8 fps22 
Enhanced2048 kbps at 8 fps11
2058x2058Standard3096 kbps at 8 fps7
Enhanced5120 kbps at 15fps4
MV72720pStandard500 kbps at 8 fps45
Enhanced765 kbps at 15 fps29
1080pStandard1024 kbps at 8 fps22
Enhanced1562 kbps at 15 fps14
High3138 kbps at 20 fps7

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