If your business can't connect to the Internet, try these troubleshooting tips to test and fix Internet connection issues. Learn more about troubleshooting Rogers Internet connectivity for your business with this article.
Key Troubleshooting Points
If you can’t connect to the Internet, it may be a problem with your own computer or your network.
- Check if any other people in your business have the same connection problem before you test any network equipment.
If other people are online, your IT staff may need to check your computer.
- If other people are affected by connection problems, follow the troubleshooting suggestions listed below.
- Some of the troubleshooting tests listed below may cause downtime in your business. Make sure you consider potential interruptions before you run these tests.
- Rogers ensures Internet connection from our network up to the modem works properly.
- Internet connection problems in your internal business network are your responsibility, but Rogers Support can verify there’s no Rogers issues and help to point you in the right direction.
How to check if the Rogers modem is online
Each Rogers modem has an online light, which should be a solid light when things are working well. If the online light is flashing, you may have a connection issue.
Online light location
- Hitron modems: lit up '@' symbol, located 4th light down on front.
- All other modems: 4 light down on front with 'Online' label. For more on your modem and what the lights represent, choose your model from Rogers Internet Modems - Equipment Guide on the Rogers Community site.
If the online light is flashing
- Find the coaxial (screw-on) cable connection between the wall and the Rogers modem.
- Unplug and then immediately reconnect the coaxial cable connections on the wall, Rogers modem and any splitters in between.
- After all connections are reconnected, wait two–five minutes.
- If the online light still doesn’t go solid, contact technical support.
How to power cycle or reset network equipment
All network equipment can freeze and need to be reset, this includes the Rogers modem.
Try restarting your Rogers modem following the steps on How to restart your business modem with My Shaw or manually power cycle using the steps listed below.
How to power cycle:
- Unplug the black power cable on the back of the equipment (modem and router if you have both)
- Wait 30 seconds.
- Plug the modem in first.
- Wait for the online light to go solid
- Plug the power cable back in your router (if applicable)
- Restart your computer.
- Check your Internet connection.
If you need to power cycle the modem or router frequently, you will want to find out which device causes the internet connectivity issues.
- Even if you only unplug the power cord to the Rogers modem, this isn’t proof the modem is failing.
- A good way to check is to bypass the router and plug a laptop directly into the modem without turning off the Rogers modem’s power.
- If this doesn’t work, contact Technical Support to test further before touching the modem.
Check your cable connections & third-party equipment
If you can get online directly from the Rogers modem but not through your network, you may need to seek help from your IT person, but you can always check a few basics first.
- Check if other computers in the business have Internet connectivity issues. It can help to narrow down if the issue is isolated to one device, a section of the business, or the entire network, especially if you know the Rogers modem is online. You might need to get an IT person to do this check.
Make sure that all of the cable connections leading into your modem and computer are tightly connected.
- Check these cables for damage. Any kinks, cuts or abrasions on the cable length may cause connection issues, so replace any damaged cables with new ones.
- Ask your IT person to label which lights on your network equipment indicate proper function. As with Rogers’ modem “Online” light, many times only one light needs to be looked at, but it may vary with each device. Label the lights to make your troubleshooting easier.
- Check your computer’s network adapters. Especially if an issue is isolated to one PC, the issue might be a software issue, not the physical connection.
- Restart your equipment, especially if only one device is offline.
- Restart your equipment in “Safe Mode with Networking” which allows you to test just the computer’s Internet capability. This strips out all add-ons to the computer, minimizing the impact that your software, antivirus programs, and even malware might have on network access.
These points are only listed here as helpful troubleshooting ideas, since Rogers can only support Rogers equipment. Computers, printers and all other networking equipment that are not from Rogers are outside of our support scope to fix. Troubleshooting basics can sometimes help find the issue, or at least narrow things down for your IT person.