
About Business Legacy digital box upgrade program


We are streamlining our TV hardware product offerings so we can provide your business with the best TV experience possible. This means that our legacy TV (digital) cable boxes will be retired and TV programming such as regular tv shows, Pay-Per-View and Stingray Music will no longer be accessible. If your business is using any of the digital boxes listed below, you will have received a call, email and/or an invoice message from Shaw Business to start the hardware replacement process and get your business a new TV box.

Frequently asked questions

Why will Shaw Business no longer be supporting this TV equipment?

  • We’re streamlining our products so that we can provide you with the best TV experience possible. Removing older hardware from our network makes room for updated technology and new features.
  • To learn more about our TV equipment options, please contact us to avoid any interruption to your viewing experience.

How can I access TV programming if my TV box is no longer working?

  • Please contact us, and we can work with you to replace your TV box as soon as possible to ensure your service isn't interrupted. If you haven't heard from us, or want to know more about your options, please contact us.

What should I do with my TV box when it is no longer working?

  • You are not required to return your TV box to Shaw Business.
  • You can recycle it free of charge at most local electronic stores or landfill sites.

Are there any benefits to upgrading my digital box?

  • Yes! Our newer HD TV boxes are MPEG-4 compatible, giving you access to more HD channels. To view our most common theme packs visit Shaw Business TV.

TV Boxes being retired

The following TV boxes will be retired on August 31, 2022.

Note:</a> If you weren't contacted by Shaw Business about hardware replacement options, you may continue to use your TV set-top box.
TV box modelRetirement date

DCX 3416


August 31, 2022

DCT 2500


August 31, 2022

TV box modelRetirement date

DCX 3400


August 31, 2022

DCX 3200-M


August 31, 2022

DCT 700


August 31, 2022

Digital Boxes no longer supported

TV box modelRetirement date

DCT 6200
Motorola 6200 Digital box

November 18, 2021

DCT 6416
Motorola 6416 Digital box

August 5, 2021

Pace Summit
Pace Summit Digital box

January 14, 2021

Pace Whistler
Pace Whistler

August 5, 2020

Pace Aspen
Pace Aspen

May 12, 2020

DCT 6412
Motorola 6412 Digital box

February 18, 2020

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