
Troubleshooting my slow Business Internet


Understand possible causes as to why your Rogers (formery Shaw) Business Internet connection is slow and how to troubleshoot the connection issues. Fix Internet speed issues with these basic troubleshooting tips.

Key points

  • Access your My Shaw to find out how much bandwidth (data) was used in the last 6 months. For heavy usage, a faster plan might be necessary.
  • Slow Internet speeds can be caused by a variety of factors, including Rogers network issues, equipment failures, software programs that use up a lot of memory or data, computer viruses and other malware, poor WiFi connection, and more.
  • Testing Internet speeds and then testing possible causes for slow speeds will help you get the issue fixed as quickly as possible without too much interruption to your business.
  • Some of the troubleshooting tests outlined may cause downtime in your business. Make sure you consider potential interruptions before you run these tests.
  • Rogers ensures that network speeds from our network up to the modem meet your subscribed Business Internet plan.
  • Speed issues in your internal business network are your responsibility, but Rogers Support can verify that there are no Rogers-related issues and help to point you in the right direction.

How can I test my Internet speed?

Every Business Internet plan has advertised download and upload speeds. Start your Internet troubleshooting by testing your actual speeds and compare them to the advertised speeds.

  1. Check your monthly bill to confirm your plan.
  2. Visit Shaw Business Internet plans to confirm your subscribed plan’s download and upload speeds.
  3. Visit and run the test.
  4. Compare the results to your subscribed Rogers Business Internet plan.
    • Download and upload numbers should be in line with the plan’s advertised speeds.
    • Ping time results should be lower than 30ms. The lower the number, the better.
    • If the results don’t match the advertised speeds of your Business Internet plan, continue with the troubleshooting suggestions in this article.

Reset your network equipment

Network equipment can freeze and may need to be reset. There are two ways to reset your network equipment:

  • Unplug and re-plug in the equipment (power cycle option).
  • Use the reset button on the equipment.

The power cycle option is recommended because the reset button will bring the equipment settings back to factory default and any custom network names, passwords, routing settings, and other important information may be lost. Both options will interrupt the network temporarily so schedule this reset carefully.

How to use the power cycle option (preferred):

  1. Check with your IT technician first because some network equipment can’t be turned off and on, or might have special instructions for power cycling.
  2. Unplug the power cable on the back of the equipment.
  3. Check to make sure the lights on the front of the unit go off.
  4. Wait 30 seconds.
  5. Plug the power cable back in to the back of the equipment.
  6. Wait for the lights on the front of the unit to indicate it is back online. Note: This can take 30 seconds to several minutes.
  7. Test your Internet speeds, as described above.

How to use the reset button option:

Resetting equipment will lose all custom network names, passwords, routing settings or other important information.

Rogers WiFi modems:

  1. Locate the pinhole reset button on the back of your Rogers Modem.
  2. Gently press the reset button for 30 seconds with a pencil or paperclip.
  3. Let go of the reset button and wait for one to three minutes. The “Online” light on the front of the modem should turn solid green.
  4. To find the default network name and password on Rogers WiFi modems, find the white sticker on the top or side of the modem and refer to the SSID and Passphrase or Pre-Shared Key.
  5. Test your Internet speeds, as described above.

Resetting Hitron Coda 4582

Third party equipment

Due to the potential for loss or change of settings, resets should only be done on third party equipment with the consent of the owner or IT department responsible.

  • Consult the equipment’s user manual or your IT support to learn how to reset any non-Rogers network equipment.

Ethernet cable issues

Ethernet Cable

Internet speed issues can result from Ethernet cords that have become bent, kinked, or frayed, or if they have damaged or poor quality connections.

  • This becomes more noticeable on faster plans, especially if you have a plan with a speed of 50Mb/s or faster.
  • Try a new Ethernet cable, rated at CAT6 or better, to check if the existing cable might be a problem.

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