Setup and guides

Rogers Work From Home (WFH) Bundle Install Guide


Rogers (formerly Shaw) Business Work From Home bundle includes Advantage WiFi, Advantage Security and Advantage Voice Mobile Remote. Use this guide for your step by step self-connect install.

In the box...

Hitron modemhitron power adaperCoaxial Cable

*Hitron Modem

Hitron Power Adapter

Coaxial Cable

Meraki MX Security Appliancehitron power adaperCoaxial Cable

Meraki MX Security Appliance

Hitron Power Adapter

Coaxial Cable

Meraki Access Pointhitron power adaper

Meraki MX Security Appliance

Meraki MR Power Injector

  • May not be exactly as shown

How to install

Step 1: Choose the best location to place your modem and access point. Here are some tips for optimal placement.

  • Choose a central location in your home
  • Choose a spot unobstructed and elevated off of the ground
  • Avoid placing the modem/access point in a cabinet or hiding behind another object
  • Avoid placing the modem/access point in a basement or other underground location
  • Place the modem/access point away from appliances, electrical equipment, and metal or stainless steel objects
  • Rogers Business recommends the access point to be at least 20cm away from a person and if possible, 2.2m from the ground

Step 2: Connecting the equipment

work from home installation diagram
  1. Locate a coaxial wall outlet in your space, connect the cable from the wall to the Cable Connector port on your modem (Item #1 of the image above). image alt attribute
  2. Ensure that the Hitron modem is vertically mounted or placed on a level surface. The modem must stay upright with the logo on top.(Item #2A of the image above)
    • When unpacking your new modem be sure to remove all the protective plastic film or the device may overheat
    • Connect the power adapter to the modem and a wall outlet. (Item #2B) (The “@” symbol is the online indicator light)
    • When your modem is ready, this will turn solid green
    • Full details on installing your modem can be found on How to self-connect your Business modem
  3. Connect the CAT5 ethernet cable from Port 1 of the modem (the top port when the modem is upright) to the Internet port of the Meraki MX device.(Item #3)
  4. Connect the power adapter to the Meraki MX appliance and a wall outlet. (Item # 4)
  5. Connect another CAT5 ethernet cable from Port 1 of the MX device to the “IN” port on the MR power injector.(Item #5)
  6. The MR access point two Ethernet ports labeled Eth0 and POE(Item # 6)
  7. Plug the power cord into the MX power injector and the other end into wall power.(Item #7)
work from home installation diagram

Step 3: For Advantage Voice

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Please contact 1-866-244-7475

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