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Rogers Business Billing & Account Frequently Asked Questions


Have questions about your bill for your Rogers Business services? Check out our Billing and Account Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about your bill including how to access your bill, how to pay your bill and find information about your Rogers Business account.

11 Digit Account Numbers

Small & Medium Business

Find answer to your questions about your Rogers Business account including billing information with these FAQs. This is for 11 digit account numbers, including Shaw Direct (account numbers that with 200).

How can I access my bill?

How can I pay my bill?

How do I update my billing address?

Where do I find my account number?

How do I set up eBilling?

How can I upgrade/change my Rogers Business services?

How do I print out my bill?

I have an issue on my bill. How do I get it resolved?

Can I link multiple accounts?

Where can I find past bills?

4-5 Digit Account Numbers

Large Business

If you have a 4-5 digit account number these FAQs will answer your questions on managing your Rogers Business Enterprise bill.

How can I access and pay my bill?

The easiest way to pay your bill is through your My Shaw Enterprise account. We offer other options as well such as electronic and telephone banking payments. Visit Rogers Business Billing & Payments for a full list of options.

How do I set up automatic payments?

How do I update my billing address?

How do I find my account number?

How do I set up eBilling?

How can I upgrade/change my Rogers Business Enterprise services?

How do I print out my bill?

I have an issue on my bill. How do I get it resolved?

Where can I find past bills?

Will I have to provide my credit card information over the phone if I call in?

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