Learn how to use Rogers Business Advantage Voice (formerly SmartVoice) to access and manage your business voicemail. Understand the differences between individual and group voicemail options.
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How to access your voicemail
Accessing your individual voicemail is simple. You can do it in three ways:
- Dial *98 from your desk phone, mobile or desktop app and enter your passcode.
- On certain desk phone models, press the Messageor Voicemail Find details about your phone in Advantage Voice Videos & Tutorials.
- For remote access, call 1-855-610-6096 and enter your 10-digit Advantage Voice number.
Use these options to access your voicemail easily from your phone or anywhere using the remote access number.
How to reset your voicemail passcode
Resetting your business voicemail passcode is easy. Individuals can update it through the portal. Group administrators can change passcodes for all users but can't view the current ones. Forgotten user, administrator and group voicemail passcodes will need to be reset by the group administrator.
If you’re a group administrator resetting a user’s passcode, follow these steps:
- Go to voiceportal.shawbusiness.ca.
- Sign in using your group administrator credentials.
- Select the Users icon.
- Search for a specific user by entering their ID, first name, last name or phone number in the search bar, then press Enter.
- Select the Profile icon.
- Under LOGIN PASSWORD RESET, enable Reset passcode then enter and confirm your new password.
If you make changes, the feature will display a green outline and a checkmark indicating the feature was modified. Select Save to finalize your changes.
If you’re an individual user resetting your passcode through the portal, follow these steps:
- Go to voiceportal.shawbusiness.ca.
- Sign in using your username and password.
- Select the Profile icon.
- Under LOGIN PASSWORD RESET, enable Reset passcode then enter and confirm your new password.
If you make changes, the feature will display a green outline and a checkmark indicating the feature was modified. Select Save to finalize your changes.
How to check your voicemail for new messages
Your phone notifies you of new voicemail messages in four ways, accessible in both individual and group voicemail settings on your phone.
- An audible tone sounds after a caller records a message.
- The status bar message displays the total number of new messages.
- The message waiting indicator light flashes.
- You’ll hear a stuttering tone when picking up the receiver to make a new call.
Voicemail handset menu options
When you’re signed into Advantage Voice individual or group voicemail, use your desk phone to access menu options by pressing numbers. Here are the options:
From the main menu:
1 - Listen to voicemail
2 - Change busy greeting
3 - Change no-answer greeting
4 - Change extended away / listen only greeting
5 - Compose and send new message
6 - Delete all messages
7 - Change passcode
8 - Record name
9 - Modify messaging deposit settings
✱ - Access the Voice Portal
While listening to messages:
1 - Rewind message
2 - Repeat message from the beginning
3 - Fast forward message
4 - Back to previous message
5 - Play message envelope (date, time and caller ID)
6 - Skip to next message
7 - Delete current message
8 - Additional message options (call-back, reply with voicemail, forward message)
9 - Save current message
While listening to your own messages, the options under 8: Reply With Voicemail and Forward Message, are only available when replying to another Advantage Voice user in your group.